Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

I had to quit this blog for a while because of some personal issues I was going through. In a nut shell, I just found it more helpful to turn to personal journaling for a while to work through some things and avoid the public platform for a while. But I miss blogging, and I'm thinking about getting started again. Thinking ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Little A turns 7

Once there was a girl named Little A,
Who was celebrating her 7th birthday.
She got up early and woke her mom and her dad,
It was the most exciting day she ever had.
Her parents and sister gave her a Nintendo DS,
And her Daddy made her a special breakfast.
They dressed her up in special clothes,
And wondered at how fast their baby grows.
Happy Birthday to our baby girl, now seven,
We're so glad you were sent to us from Heaven.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekend pictures

Here's an "after" shot of the shelves!" You can see we have hung World War II photos of our grandfathers and great uncles next to the shelves, and we have filled the curio cabinet to the right full of mementos from B's grandfathers' careers in the federal prison system (which were a great part of B's heritage). The office is finally starting to take shape.

Here's a photo of our "Snow Angel" that Big A took out during the big snow storm last Friday. Don't you love how she's sticking out her tongue to catch snow flakes?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birthday photos

This is my birthday present from B and my inlaws -- a bookcase for the office. It is from WoodYou Furniture. It's pine, and you get a deal because you stain the wood yourself. We had it in the house for about a minute before Riley claimed it as her new home.

Birthday celebration number one: Best friends from college S and J came over with their kids and brought Olive Garden for lunch!

We all grew up and multiplied!

B gets to work on staining bookcase. Birthday weekend project that is not yet complete. (Quite a job with all those coats of polywhateveryoucallit required.)

Sunday evening birthday party at inlaws involves tirimisu, eclairs and pecan tassies. LOVE!

The bookcase is coming right along!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My 37th birthday ... and the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today is my 37th birthday. It is also the 37th anniversary week of Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973). It's always been sad for me that my birthday came just hours after this baby-slaughtering legislation became law in America.

For today, I'd just like to ask that if you honor the sanctity of human life, and if you would like to honor my birthday, please do something in the name of LIFE this week.

This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life in the Assemblies of God. Here are two great articles from the Pentecostal Evangel (the weekly A/G magazine). One is on the abortion deception, the other is on a great organization that is doing something to make a difference in the lives of women who are suffering with the difficult dilemma of an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy.

Abortion Deception

Promoting Life One Woman at a Time

There is something else I would like to say. There may be people I know, friends, maybe even family members, who made the difficult choice of abortion and are living with the scars today. Please don't think that because I feel so strongly in my pro-life stance that I believe there is not forgiveness for those who have made this choice. The Lord has much grace for every sin, and so do I. I don't think less of anyone who has sin in their past -- Lord knows I have sin in my past, and I have it in my life every day. We are all a work in progress.

The Bible teaches that all sin is sin (whether it is gossip, slander, theft, murder, etc). God does not grade it on a scale. The most important tenet of Christianity is forgiveness and restoration for all those who ask Jesus for it. I hope dearly that my zeal to save the lives of babies does not come across as judgment against those who have already made the choice. For those who have had abortions, what I wish for you is healing in the name of Jesus. And for those who might find themselves considering it, please walk into a Pregnancy Care Center and learn that there are options -- your baby can be saved. People will help you. And you can go on with your life.

I guess I just felt compelled to say all that this morning. I'm not speaking to anyone in particular. I don't know anyone personally who's ever come to me and said, "I had an abortion." But if they did, I would say, "Have you asked God to forgive you and heal your scars? Let's get you some help. Because I love you, and God loves you."

Let's heal women and save babies. That's my passion, and it is reignited every time my birthday rolls around.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mr. Brown goes to Washington

What an encouraging night in American politics. What an irony that the Senate seat which would undo the super majority in Congress would be that of Ted Kennedy's. Obama went to Washington on a high, thinking he could do anything he wanted,started printing money left and right in late-night secret meetings that he promised would never happen ... And even ultra-liberal Massachusetts said, "No way. We will not have this in America."

Brown was a real class act during his interview with Meredith Viera on the Today Show this morning.

Analysis by CNN: Brown's win changes political narrative for 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Having fun during the snow break

The girls have had five days off of school due to the snow and extreme, dangerously cold weather. Because of said weather, they can't even get outside to play in the snow, so they've been cooped up all week. The babysitter and the girls have been creative in finding fun inside activities. Here's some fun photos of the Spa Day that Big A and Big K put on for the little girls: